Sunday, July 17, 2011

late night inspiration...

This evening as i was driving home from my second recording session, my path happened to cross that of two beautiful foxes crossing the street. The first made its way quickly into the bush as soon as my headlights were caught in its eyes. The second however, slowed just enough in the other lane so that we could share a glance with each other. Even though it was brief, it was awe inspiring and a great way to end the evening. Certain people will be able understand a personal connection and significance...every one else just know that i finished my ride home no longer concerned with how rocky the session started. The smile still hasn't left my face. Very soon we will be posting some pre pre pre products of what has been happening at the jam factory. Its moving along and the excitement is suffocating at times. I can not express the level of gratitude we all have for Steven Glor, our ever ready and patient drummer and producer. He has made this process comfortable, productive and amazingly educational. So proud to call him a friend, brother and band mate  More to come soon.
                       -with love and respect, OHNE-KA

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In loving memory...

 “The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.
         Tomorrow is a day that will never be far from many peoples minds. Right now i do not acknowledge this day out of remorse or complete sadness. even though we all share those emotions, i want to send out a message of honor and appreciate for the never ending love shared for Benjamin. His influence and love will always grace us. not only this band and the individuals involved but so many more people. We thank everyone who has brought and held this family closer together and we will never lose sight of our brother. We miss and love you more everyday.